
Online Prescriptions in Spring Hill, Florida

Long-Term Care with Pharmacy’s Help

Long-term care is well-established with the help of medications available in every drugstore. Medications help control, alleviate, and remove any symptoms bothering the clients’ quality of life. However, medications are not the only ones contributing to long-term comfortable care. It … Continue reading

Posted in Pharmacy Services

The Significance of Consulting a Pharmacist

As healthcare professionals, pharmacists are an essential resource for individuals seeking guidance on medication use and medical supplies. In today’s world, numerous products and medications are available in the market, making it challenging to keep track of what to take … Continue reading

Posted in Healthcare

Free Blood Pressure Screening in a Pharmacy

High blood pressure, also known as hypertension, is a common and serious condition that can lead to heart disease, stroke, and other health problems. By offering free blood pressure screenings, pharmacies can help detect high blood pressure early, allowing individuals … Continue reading

Posted in Consultations

Generic Medicine: What You Should Know

It’s no secret that generic medicine is cheaper than its brand-name counterpart. But did you know they can also be just as effective? Our team at 4 Corners Pharmacy has put together a list of facts concerning generic medication that … Continue reading

Posted in Generic Medicine

Generic Drugs vs Brand-Name Drugs

Generic drugs are highly effective, often containing the same active ingredients as brand-name drugs but at a much lower cost. Brand-name drugs are inexpensive because manufacturers spend large sums of money on advertising and marketing campaigns to make their products … Continue reading

Posted in Generic Versus Brand-Name

Essential Questions to Ask Your Pharmacist

Medications can be complicated. As such, most pharmacies offer a pharmacist consultation service to ensure the safety of their clients. They can be a great source of information on your medications, whether prescription or over-the-counter. Here are some questions to … Continue reading

Posted in Pharmacist Essential Questions